Ragnarok Origin Demon Treasure

Need a Zeny but don't know where to look? 

Let's rescue a Deviruchi and receive a reward!

In this guide, we will check the Demon Treasure!

The Demon Treasure

This is daily content that is more of a reward system! 

You can grab free rewards by rescuing trap Deviruchi in Prontera West and South Gate. 

You can do it automatically. 

Or do it manually, by clicking the "rescue" button next to the trapped Deviruchi. 

The Rewards
The reward items vary from Zeny bags, Refining Mats, and Cores. 

You will also have a chance to play roulette for a chance to get good items like the Deviruchi Hat Blueprint that you can only get here. 

That's it for the Demon Treasure!
Hopefully, you will get good items from rescuing the Deviruchis.

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