Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ragnarok Origin Road to top expansion


Bravely climb the ladder of glory and move towards the top
Psychic skills to inject more variety into combat
"Sol Cup S2" frontline battle officially begins
The unprecedented fierce war is about to break out!

1. The new map Comodo Island seaside map is launched

Heading west from the Sograt Desert, the first thing that comes into view is the majestic and huge fortress Shanteleman. The fortress built according to the mountain has incomparable defensive capabilities. Guilds belonging to the gangsters are scattered in this area. A small island protruding from the coast is called Lighthouse Island because it has a pilot lighthouse. After passing the beach and re-entering the mainland, we came to a dense forest like a tropical rainforest.
The seaside area of ​​Comodo Island is open, the seaside of Comodo Island, Fales Lighthouse Island, and the 4th floor of Izlude Undersea Cave.
New MVPs appear: Treasure Chest Giant Crocodile and Devil Giant Squid
Mini: Red Starfish, Bigfoot Lobster
Monsters: baby seal, Haise, beer penguin, poisonous snake, iron scorpion, flaming boulder

※You can check the details of the new monster cards at point 15

2. The first season of the new gameplay Glory Ladder starts

The Glory Ladder is a new team challenge gameplay. The challenge is open to the base level 110. At least 3 people in the team can enter the dungeon.
Choose from five Helheim disturbance maps that are familiar to adventurers: Ant Hell Lair, Derek's Ghost Ship, Geffen's Underground Shadow, Prontera Sewers, and the Northern Forest of Abnormality. Each map has 15 levels. The higher the level, the higher the difficulty. Each map has a unique combination of affixes. You need a corresponding key to enter the dungeon. There is no limit to the number of challenges for keys on floors 1 to 9. Advanced keys on floors 10 to 15 only have two chances to use. As long as any teammate in the team has the key to open the dungeon, adventurers in the entire team can participate in the corresponding dungeon to challenge. There is no limit to the number of deaths in the dungeon. Every time a character in the team dies, the timer of the dungeon will increase by a certain amount of time, and the clearance data will affect the settlement results. Each week, dungeon keys with a certain number of levels deducted will be issued based on last week's challenge results.
※The random affixes in the dungeon will be rotated every Monday at 5 o'clock
※Every Monday at 5 o'clock, all the keys of all characters last week will be recovered, and a certain number of layers will be deducted and reissued based on the highest level record of the character's challenge.
■Challenge copy settlement is divided into three types: perfect completion, completion, and timeout failure.
If you complete it perfectly, you will get the challenge key of the random copy of the next level, and you will have the opportunity to obtain the magic props. If you pass level 10~15 perfectly, you will also have the opportunity to obtain the key of this level. If you complete the challenge, you will have the chance to obtain the magic props. If the challenge fails over time, At levels 10 to 15, one challenge will be deducted for advanced keys and no rewards will be obtained. If you leave the dungeon midway, the keys used to challenge this level will be settled as a timeout failure (the number of advanced keys lost and the ordinary keys unchanged), but the dungeon can still proceed normally, and other adventurers who complete the dungeon can still receive corresponding rewards.
■Challenge rewards
As reward, you can get a dim monster random box, a shimmering monster random box, and a shining monster random box. You will have a chance to get monsters after opening them.
You can claim rewards by clearing floors 1 to 15 of any dungeon. Only one dungeon reward can be claimed on the same floor.
■Weekly ranking list
The ranking will be based on the clearance levels and clearance time of all dungeons. The top 400 adventurers will receive a limited-time exclusive title.
【Challenge of the King】
After successfully clearing the 15th floor of any dungeon, the King's Challenge Mode will be opened. Adventurers can choose their own affixes and challenge stronger difficulties.
After the season ends, exclusive titles will be issued based on the rankings. When you challenge the designated target, you can also get lightning glasses jewelry.

3. New system spiritual awakening

A new training system, psychic awakening, is here! Open at Base level 110, psychic awakening can turn monster spirits into crystals to help adventurers fight.
After the system is turned on, adventurers can choose a "psionic skill" equipment. The psionic skill is active and requires sufficient energy to be cast; and the elemental array to which the psionic skill belongs can be embedded with multiple "demon spirits", demon spirits can strengthen psychic skills and provide character attribute bonuses. As the level of demon spirits increases, powerful effect entries can also be unlocked!
Demon spirits come in three qualities: blue, purple, and orange. Both collecting and inlaying monsters can provide character attribute bonuses. The mosaic attribute only takes effect when demons are inlaid on the elemental array. There are four types of elemental arrays: water, fire, earth, and wind. Each element can be inlaid with 5 demons of the corresponding element. Different monsters and spirits have different mosaic attributes, and adventurers can create a variety of plans to deal with different battle scenarios. Demon spirits can be upgraded through fragments. Upgrading to a specified level requires the use of the Demon Spirit Key to break through. After the breakthrough, additional psychic skill effect enhancement entries will be unlocked.
Adventurers can choose any element and equip the psionic skill of that element. When the elemental array is filled with demons, the lowest level of the demon will affect the level of the psionic skill. When the lowest level of the demon increases to 10 At multiples of , the psychic skills will increase in level. Casting psionic skills will consume energy, which can be accumulated through combat and monster attribute effects.
When the elemental arrays of water, fire, earth, and wind reach the specified level at the same time, elemental resonance will be activated to provide character attribute bonuses.
Demon spirits can be obtained by participating in the Glory Ladder. The Diamond Shop also sells Dull Monsters, Shimmering Monsters, Shining Monsters, Blue Monster Random Boxes, Purple Monster Random Boxes, and Orange Magic Random Boxes, with a weekly purchase limit. You can also go to the Meow Fruit Store to purchase props such as dazzling demon spirits.

4. Sol Cup S2 qualifying

The date of the space-time simulation battle event has been adjusted from every Wednesday and Friday to every Monday and Wednesday.
Points will be reset in this week’s qualifying match, and there will be no space-time simulation battle on July 19th.
The threshold for daily tasks and weekly tasks in ranked matches has been lowered, making it easier for adventurers to complete activities~
"Sol Cup S2 Qualifying" July 15, 2024 ~ August 10, 2024
The preliminaries of the four major tournaments "RO Ragnarok: Love Is Like First Meeting" "Sol Cup S2" officially begin
The 5V5 glory war is about to break out! Only the king can lift the "ROO Sol Cup Championship Trophy" which belongs to the glory of the championship.
This competition will be divided into three stages
[Stage 1] Space-time simulation battle ranking competition
[Phase 2] "Sol Cup" Points Competition
[Stage 3] "Sol Cup" knockout round
The time and space simulation battle ranking competition will officially start on July 17, and the ranking points of all adventurers and teams will be reset.
The 96 teams with the highest total points in the rankings at the end of the qualifying round will be qualified to advance to the points round stage.
In the Sol Cup points stage, events will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The points competition stage is from 20:30 to 21:20, and the knockout stage time will be announced separately!
※Adventurers please pay special attention※
➤The team member list cannot be adjusted after the qualifying match is settled.
➤Each team must have at least 10 members to qualify for promotion. If the team has less than 10 members after the qualifying round, it will lose the qualification and will be filled by the next ranked team.
➤In each 5V5 competition in the Thor Cup, each team can only have at most two players of the same profession. Adventurers need to pay attention to the composition of the roles and professions in the team! If there are more than 4 members in the team with the same profession, some members will not be able to play in the points competition and knockout stage!
Warriors, the fire of battle has been ignited. All the top teams have gathered here. The unprecedented fierce battle is about to break out!

5. Gender conversion function is turned on

The long-awaited gender reassignment function for adventurers is finally launched! Whether you want to pursue fashionable beauty or want to surprise your partner after getting married (?), you can choose to change from male to female~
Adventurers with a base level of 25 or above can go to the store - Meow Fruit Shop - Functional Items to purchase gender conversion coupons. The price of the gender conversion coupon is 1,000 meow fruits per piece. After using the conversion coupon, you can re-select your appearance~
【Conversion instructions】
■Gender conversion is only possible between people of the same race
■Single-sex occupations such as poets and dancers do not support gender conversion. You must first freely change occupations and convert to other occupations that meet the requirements, and then perform gender conversion.
■After each gender change, there is a 7-day cooling time. After the cooling time, gender change can be performed again.
■After gender conversion, the clothing/accessories originally owned by the character and classified as male/female will become the clothing corresponding to the gender after the conversion, and the character can wear the clothing/accessories corresponding to the gender.
■Adventurers, please pay more attention. Appearances must be received in the backpack or stored in the wardrobe. Appearances that have not been received in the attachment of the letter will not be automatically converted, and the character must be converted back to the original gender before they can be worn.
■ The fashions/accessories collected in the wardrobe will be converted into the opposite-gender fashions/accessories corresponding to the suit. If the fashion/accessory does not have a convertible set, the original prop will be retained. The prop will not be taken out and returned to the backpack, but will remain in the wardrobe and can only be seen when the character returns to the corresponding gender.

6. Adjustments to career balance in Month-by-Month Battle

To make adventurers' three-level professional combat experience in the Battle of the Moon more balanced, we have made professional balance adjustments.
■Run Knight:
  •Dragon Sword: Increased damage; added mercy rune
  •God's Wrath: Enhance damage tolerance; remove Judgment; increase Almighty Amplification, and add high-level healing
  •Linked: Enhanced damage; removed Fire Hunter; added Abyss Grip, added Earth Distortion, added Frost Nova, and added Ice Abyss Hell
  •Psychic power: strengthens damage and greatly enhances damage tolerance
■Cross Beheader:
  •Poison: Greatly enhances damage tolerance
  •Training the Wolf: Increases damage and enhances damage tolerance; removes Concentration; adds Summoning Sao Feng and adds camouflage tactics
■Mechanical craftsman:
  •Turret: reduced damage; removed magnetic field, medium particle barrier; increased wildfire
  •Trolley: Enhanced damage; removed trolley acceleration; increased all-around increase (including trolley acceleration)
■Spirit Caller:
  •Ocean: Reduce damage, reduce healing amount
  •Earth: reduced damage; removed jump; increased fury of the earth

7. Medal level reset

The function of the war merit medal has been optimized. You can now directly reset the medal level and return all consumed reputation, copper coins, water drops, snowflakes, and flowers. Regardless of whether you clicked on the wrong medal by mistake before or if you switched between physics and magic professions, you can go to the store - Meow Fruit Store - Functional Items to purchase combat merit medals and reset the corresponding medals. Resetting a single glorious medal will consume 1 combat medal, and resetting a single holy medal will consume 2 combat medals.

8. Polly’s Treasure Box

After the maintenance on July 17th to 04:59 on July 31st, the Polly Treasure Chest will be launched. You can get "Back to School Time Commemorative Coins" by purchasing in the store, participating in the Polly Treasure Box, and exchanging valuable treasures! You also have the chance to draw a luxurious Polly Treasure Box!
Draw the Polly Treasure Box to consume back-to-school time commemorative coins. "Back-to-school time commemorative coins" can be purchased through the store. During the event, they are sold at 35 meow fruits/1 piece. The weekly purchase limit is 500. There is also a discount of 10 pieces per day. Promotion, sold at 5000Zeny/1 piece. You can also go to the store - Diamond Store - to buy. The purchase limit is 100 per week and sold at 50 diamonds/1. You can also purchase back-to-school time gift packs to get commemorative coins and SP commemorative coins. There is also a weekly purchase limit!
Drawing from the Polly Treasure Box will give you a chance to get props such as Time Academy Hat Headdress, Time Feather Mirror Face Ornament, Time Scepter Mouth Ornament, Back to School Time SP Commemorative Coin, etc.
Drawing luxurious Polly treasure chests consumes back-to-school SP commemorative coins. Back-to-school SP commemorative coins can be obtained through Polly treasure chests and gift packs. There is a chance to get back-to-school time fashion, time college hat headdress, time flying feather mirror face decoration, time scepter mouth decoration, and sealed magic book back decoration. You can get a Back to School Time Exchange Voucher*1 by drawing the Polly Treasure Box. The Back to School Time Exchange Voucher can be used to exchange for props in the Polly Treasure Box Shop. The Polly Treasure Box Shop contains Back to School Fashion, Time Academy Hats, and Time Feather Mirrors. Face decoration, time scepter mouth decoration, sealed magic book back decoration, star armband, certificate of king, idol singer fashion, dancing volume headdress, laser goggles face decoration, lightning note mouth decoration, pink and blue sound back decoration and other props
[Hot-selling gift pack preview]
Scarlet Dream, Scarlet Time, and Sakura Poems on July 17, blessings from big stars on July 19, Monday Happy Gift on July 22, you can purchase back-to-school time commemorative coins or back-to-school time SP commemorative coins oh.
※The redemption time in the Polly Chest Store is until 04:59 on August 2

9. Cute Meow Festival

After maintenance on July 17th to 23:59 on July 30th, the festival event launches the Cute Meow Festival, refresh time: July 22nd and July 27th
Cat Country’s self-selected gift, Milumi’s self-selected gift, Hadha’s self-selected gift, Cocodo’s self-selected gift, Grandpa Letoto’s self-selected gift, Kikikara’s self-selected gift, Shashafu’s self-selected gift, Panupa’s self-selected gift, No. 14 Gift of your choice, Sicilina's gift of your choice. Adventurers must not miss it, a self-selected gift with a super high CP value~
You can get points by purchasing the gifts of your choice. When you accumulate the specified points, you can receive the corresponding rewards. The reward points will be reset with the refresh time.
※You can purchase the MINI self-selected card book in the Milumi self-selected gift
※You can purchase the new statue part development props in Chichikara's optional gift, such as the bustling bell, the magic mirror, and the hourglass.
※You can purchase the development props for the mount equipment in the Shashafu optional gift, including the Heroic Heart, Dusk Armband, Dusk Armband, Dawn Armband, and Morning and Noon Armband.
※In the Panupa optional gift, you can purchase the development props for the mount equipment, including the Heroic Heart, the Dawn Armband, and the Morning and Noon Armband.

10. Heat Wave Summer Pass

From 05:00 on July 18th to 04:59 on August 25th, you can unlock the pass or special pass. If you purchase the special edition, you can get 100 refreshing summer commemorative coins, 10 special summon coupons, and pass privileges. If you purchase the special edition of Ace The pass can get you Refreshing Summer Commemorative Coins*200, Gashapon Lottery Tickets*10, Meow Meow Fruit*730, Chaos Card Fragments*2, Pass Privileges, and a Direct Upgrade to Level 25 Pass Level. When the pass reaches LV75, you can get Heat Wave Swimming Goggles. When the special pass reaches LV1, you can get Heat Wave Water Gun. When you reach LV30, you can get Heat Wave Stickers. When you reach LV50, you can get Beach Shells. When you reach LV100, you can get Heat Wave Summer.
※The event prize collection time and the pass store redemption time are until 04:59 on August 28

11. Wish Call

Summon the long-missed limited-time pet
Wish Summoning Period: July 21st 05:00~August 6th 04:59
Cain who brings eternal blood, Fujin and Wuni who are born to protect their masters, the Minotaur with superb drumming skills, the legendary pet god rabbit Huanhuan who comes with blessings and love, and the glorious mecha Antasha on the battlefield. Type β returns to the continent of Midgard.
During the event, limited-time summoning coupons are sold for 100 Meow Fruit/1 piece, and there is also a discount promotion with a daily purchase limit of 5 pieces, which is sold for 50 Meow Fruit/1 piece. You can also go to the store - Diamond Store - to purchase. During the event, the total purchase is limited to 20 pieces, and they are sold at 100 diamonds/1 piece.
When you choose to summon Minotaur, Divine Rabbit Huanhuan, or Antasha Beta during Wish Summoning, there is a 60% chance that the summoned legendary pet will be the corresponding limited legendary pet, and there is a 40% chance that the summoned legendary pet will be other non-auctioned, non-limited legendary pets. When an epic pet is summoned, there is a 60% chance of getting a limited epic pet from the corresponding card pool, and a 40% chance of getting other non-limited epic pets.
When you choose Fujin and Muni for wish summoning, there is a 50% chance that the legendary pet summoned will be Fujin, and there is a 50% chance that it will be Muni.
When Cain is selected for wish summoning, Cain must be summoned when a legendary pet is summoned.
[Hot-selling gift pack preview]
For the pet summoning on July 21st, you can purchase limited-time lottery tickets.

12. The Mysterious Turntable of the Pirate King

From 05:00 on July 27 to 04:59 on August 3, the holiday event will launch the Pirate King’s Mysterious Wheel
Use the expedition helm to participate in the carousel and have a chance to obtain Cat Lucky Lotus*6, Cat God Crystal*300, Statue Part Material Selection Box F*8, Brave Heart*150, Cat God Crystal*250, Light and Dark Series Feather Selection Box* 50. Cat God Crystal*150, Simdan Gear*2, Advanced Refining Optional Gift Box*100, Statue Part Material Optional Box D*10. Before starting the lottery, select 8 favorite gifts, and the more you draw, the more times you draw. If you draw 3 times, you can get Statue Down*300, if you draw 5 times, you can get mysterious gear gashapon*10, and if you draw 8 times, you can get an orange mark selection box*1.
※A total of 8 adventure rudders can be purchased, and you will get rewards after spinning the wheel.
※After the event, the expedition rudder cannot be used and will be recycled with 100 Zeny. Adventurers are requested to use it before the event ends!

13. Festival activities

1. "Double Dance"
From 05:00 on August 10th to 04:59 on August 25th, there will be a limited-time event in the Love Season! Invite your friends, have fun with the notes, complete daily tasks, and get rich rewards!
There are also many festival activities in the Sanrio Big Star collaboration event. Please refer to the announcement for details.

14. Optimize and repair content

【New content】
•The Divine Armament Morning Star Shield has a new shadow style, and after activation, the upper limit of life will be +8%
 •When refined to +6, when receiving a treatment effect, the upper limit of life will be increased by 10% for 10 seconds.
 •When refined to +10, physical damage reduction +8%
 •When refined to +15, magic damage reduction +8%
•The skills that can be inserted into automatic battles have been expanded, and a second skill wheel has been added
•New guidance tasks related to monster expulsion and health time
•The Cat God Fantasyland has added Brilliant Sacred Ornament fragments as a reward. The fragments can be synthesized into a red Brilliant Sacred Ornament random box. After opening it, you can get 2 red-quality Brilliant Sacred Ornaments x2!
•A new automatic battle mechanism is added in Yalfheim. If checked, the automatic battle will be enabled after entering the dungeon. After winning the dungeon, you will automatically enter the next level to continue the challenge.
【Optimized content】
•Optimize the sound effects of some skills of the Magician, the Wanderer, and the Maestro
•Optimize the archbishop's skill release - when connecting, there will be an additional window to display the name of the target in the connection
•Optimize the number of default plans for attributes/skills/Beluz Gear/Energy Matrix/Stargazing Illusion/Marked Slate/Feathers/Mount Equipment from 3 to 5; consume Zeny to open new plans
•Optimize the reward collection prompt for Cat God Fantasy. When there are rewards that have been achieved but have not been claimed, a red dot prompt will be displayed.
•Optimize the way to obtain intimacy. When you give roses/chocolate cakes/big bouquets of roses to your partner after marriage, you can get 25/50/100 intimacy, with a weekly limit of 1,000.
•Optimize the battle mechanism of MVP to avoid the situation where the battle time is too short due to low MVP level. Now you don’t have to worry about being killed before you find the MVP.
•Optimize the opening experience of feather boxes and remove the weekly opening limit of all feather boxes
•Optimize the weight of equipment, and reduce the weight of equipment greater than 5 to 5
•Optimize the team-building experience of Endless Tower and Extreme Challenge. When the countdown to confirmation of entry ends, team members who have not agreed will default to agreeing to enter.
•Optimize the sorting of sealed MVP cards in the auction. General sealed MVP cards will now be displayed first, and sealed event MVP cards will be displayed later.
•Optimize the description of the card dropping progress in the Monster Manual, and add the rules for calculating the card dropping progress.
•Optimize the instructions in the field battle interface and add rules for calculating card drop progress
•Optimize the interface in the battle scene in the fantasy field and increase the display of the number of remaining evil boxes in the scene
•Optimize the stacking limit of some props and increase it to 999/9999/99999 depending on the individual props.
※You need to [organize] your backpack to stack the props!
•Optimize the Crusader's skill description to match the actual skill effect; this time only the text is corrected, and the actual skill effect is not changed
 •Life-Sacrificing Attacks: The description that increases the damage-increasing and reducing effects of body size and race is invalid for life-sacrifice attacks.
•Optimize exclusive combat zone
1. Optimize the description and add a description that when exiting the exclusive combat area, you will return to the position before entering.
2. When riding a two-person mount, you can enter the exclusive combat zone without dismounting, but you still need to abide by other exclusive combat zone rules.
3. Remove the restriction that forces you to leave the exclusive combat zone when inactive.
4. The map list will prioritize the 5 most recently entered exclusive battle zone maps.
•Optimize the description of the Marked Slate - Frost World, and add a description that it cannot be released by control skills.
•Optimize the skill description of S2-Ice Storm Knight in the Temple of Evil, and add a description that it cannot be lifted by control skills.
•Optimize the warehouse function, now the warehouse can have a customized name
•Optimize the interface of Alien Demon Realm, and unlocked copies can be previewed.
•Optimize the story mode. Players will automatically dismount after entering the story mode.
•Optimize the narrative of Beluz Gear Skill - Furious Overlord
•Optimize the description of the vitality gashapon gift box and increase the display of the number of consecutive openings
•Optimize the operation of exiting the guild, and add a step that requires entering "YES" in the confirmation window
•Optimize the cooling time of pet curry pork chop rice and pet eel rice to 2 seconds
•Fixed the issue where the reward guild maps for the top ten guild activities could not be used after the guild merger.
•Fixed the anomaly where the NPC was mistakenly planted as a mount merchant in the description of the mount redemption drawings and mount redemption props.
•The rewards for binding prizes have been greatly improved. After the binding is completed, you can directly receive diamonds x250, copper coins x2 million, special summons coupons x5, and card lottery tickets x5; you can also receive diamonds x300, battle acceleration candy x5, and luck every month Supplies of Dabao Candy x5 and Heaven and Earth Tree Fruit x5!
【Repair content】
•Fixed the abnormality in the boss guide of Temple of Evil S1 where the character of the Element Master obscured the text.
•Fixed the abnormality of missing fashion options in the filtering of card decomposition
※The actual repair content should be based on the latest content after maintenance.

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