Ragnarok Origin Creator Guide

Creators are well known for their Acid demonstration skill, which deals more damage to enemies with High Vitality. They can destroy opponents' Weapons and Armor, but can also prevent allies' equipment to be disarmed and destroyed.

Along with their homunculus, they travel to Midgard to once again help out in the battle against evil.

Welcome, to the Creator Class Spotlight.

In this guide, we will look into:
- Pros and Cons of the Creator Class
- Skills and Stats Recommendation
- Equipment Sets for different Builds
- And Grinding Spots

The Pros and Cons
The very first question when deciding to start a class is the Pros and Cons.

Here is the list of all the Pros and Cons of playing as a Creator, based on my opinion.

- The creator is one of the classes that have the highest damage potential, which includes MVP hunting.
- Homunculus gives you another unit that can help you in battle. The Homunculus is a special kind of pet only available for the Alchemist/Creator class. They aid you in battle and they level up through battle experience and EXP potions.
- You can use your Merchant's cart as an extended inventory.
- And you can break your target's armor and weapon which is helpful in PVP contents. 

- Acid Demonstration is highly dependent on your opponent’s VIT.
- A Melee Creator will probably be weaker than the Whitesmith counterpart.
- And since most Creator's skills need some items before you can use them, this is one of the most expensive classes to create. 

The Skills

Damage Skills.
The Creator's main damage skill is the Acid Demonstration. This skill scale with our Base Attack, and Magic Attack, and deal more damage to high Vitality targets. This skill also has a chance to destroy the target's Weapon and Secondary weapon which reduces their damage potential. 

Other damaging skills are Demonstration, Acid Terror, and Marine Sphere. 

Support Skills
For the support skills, Creators have Slim Potion Pitcher which creates a target area that can heal allies based on their Vitality and Base Level. 

Bio Cannibalize. This skill summons a plant totem that restores the Allies' HP that scales with their Max HP, Increases their Stats, and increases their DEF.

And we have full Chemical Protection. Creator can now protect both the Armor and Weapon of Allies from being destroyed or disarmed. 


Creators have access to Homunculus skills. Different homunculus uses a different set of skills that offers different assistance for the Creators. 

Homunculus Type:
Lif - Can heal or restore the Creator's HP
Amistr - Can Tank and acquire Aggro
Vanilmirth - The only Homunculus that deals Magic Damage
Filir - Can deal fast attacks with Crit Chance
Mia - Can deal Single Attack damage and Crit Chance

The Build

Acid Bomber Creator - 
This build highlights the Acid Demonstration skill which combines both the Acid bottle with Bottle Grenade. The more VIT your target has, the more damage it will take.

Skill Allocation:
For the Merchant class, we can max out any skill that we need like Discount and Overcharge. 

For the Alchemist class, we need to max out Demonstration, Learning Potion, and Bioethics. Then you can allocate the rest of the points to Homunculus Resurrection and Axe and Mace Mastery. 

For the Creator class, max out Acid Bomb, Unstable Research, Advance axe/mace Mastery, and Life Fusion. Then you can allocate the rest of the points to any skill that you need. 

Homunculus Creator. Now that you reach Base level 70, your homunculus can now evolve which increases their Stats and skill damage.

Full Support Creator. With the help of Slim Potion pitcher and Bio Cannibalize, you can support your allies in battle by restoring their HP, Increasing their defense and stats, and protecting their equipment from being destroyed or disarmed.

The Cards:
Weapon: Size, Race, Element Cards
Headgear: Deviruchi Card
Accessories: Greatest General Cards
Armor: Picky or Rhoda Frog Card
Garment: Frilldora or Vagabond Wolf Card
Shoes: Verit or Sohee Card

The Stats

The main skill of the Creator is the Acid Bomb skill, the damage formula is 1000%*(physical attack+magic attack*0.5)*(1+Target's VIT/60), and both Physical and Magic attacks are required. So the recommended point distribution is as follows:

99 Strength
99 Intelligence 
99 Vitality
The rest of the points go to Dexterity

The Verus Cores

The Enchantments for Weapon and Accessories

After the actual test using Physical attack % vs Long-range physical damage, 

Physical attack % is more effective than Physical damage %.  So the 8% Long-range physical damage (Bow 4) Gives almost the same damage increase, as the Physical attack 6 %

Alchemist Item Crafting

The Sigil

We can embed photon burst, radiant guardian, endless nightmare, floating protection, Chosen one, Energy drain, berserk, courage blessing, and immortal body. 

The Pets
You can go for Dunell, Earth Lord, Squidgette, and Milly.


The Leveling

It is recommended to use Golden Mace from Merchant until you reach Base Level 70. Once you advance your Class to Creator, get Acid Demonstration and select a spot, where monsters have decent to high Vitality, to make full use of your Acid Demonstration. 

You can check the monster stats under Guide > Monster Archive.

Special Tips
- To reduce the consumption of Copper Coins for purchasing Items for your skills, like Acid Bottle and Bottle Grenade, you may want to craft your own items using the materials that you acquire from grinding the previous day. 

- You can purchase Homunculus From the Tool Shop to increase the level of your other Homunculus. 

- Don't forget to check if you have enough items before you grind like Acid Bottle, Bottle Grenade, Embryo, and Plant Bottle. 

- You craft some items to reduce expenses.

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