Manual Combat

Manual Combat

A battle using the thumb of your left hand as you move the character around, and pressing multiple attack buttons with the thumb of your right hand.

In this guide, we will learn how to manually fight monsters while pressing the buttons.

This is Manual combat!

Skill setting

Before entering the battle, I'll show you how to set up the skills that you can use in battle.

Touch the skill in the upper right of the screen and enter the settings tab.

In the skill tab, you can set the skills to use in manual combat.

Drag the various skills prepared on the left to the shortcut window and assign them to each shortcut window to complete!

This way, in manual battles, various skills can be properly coordinated to advance the battle.

Manual battle

The battle can be progressed with the attack and skill buttons set earlier in the lower right corner of the screen.

When you press the attack or skill button on the field with a monster and nearby monsters are automatically targeted, and the character starts attacking.

For the basic attack button, press it once.

Casting skills or moving, etc, attack the target and set it as the target until there is another action.

However, unlike basic attacks, skills have a cooldown.

Whenever the cooldown ends, you have to constantly press the button to cast the skill.

When you want to change the target, press the small "target' button.

This will change your current target to a different target.

Manual battles can deploy various attacks and be used for strategy.

However, it can be difficult to have a lot of hands as much as you use a flashy attack.

In the next guide, adventurers will be a little more comfortable.

We will take a look at automatic battle.

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